El Paso government contractor reunites with dog rescued in Syria
EL PASO, TX (KVIA) -- Evan Barney, a government contractor, was deployed in Syria where he met Tripod. The three legged pup made a lasting impact on all those on base.
"He was always there just keeping the morale up and, you know, keeping people, giving people a reason to keep going," says Barney.
Thanks to the SPCA International Patriot's Pets the pair was recently able to reunite after Barney's second deployment, "It just felt right. I was like, you know, if he deserves if anyone deserves it out of them, it's him. He's he's seen a lot," he says.
Barney encourages everyone to get involved in the program, where you can make a financial donation or donate your time. "They do a lot of work in many places, and the one thing they absolutely need is extra hands," Barney emphasizes.