This Kansas hospital dressed its newborn babies like the Kansas City Chiefs

With the Super Bowl coming up this Sunday, a Kansas hospital is getting into the spirit.
The University of Kansas Health System dressed some of the babies in the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit like Chiefs players, with parental permission, of course.
The health system posted photos of the infants to its Facebook page, writing, “Because we treat them like Chiefs, they dressed the part!”
And these little ones are ready to hit the field.
Just look at this little guy. He just made a touchdown … in our hearts.
This one already has his game face on. He’s ready to throw some winning passes.
Pre-game nap? Check!
And it’s not just all players. These babies are braced to cheer on their favorite team.
Look at her, raising those pom-poms.
The Chiefs are scheduled to play the San Francisco 49ers this Sunday.
And if these photos show anything, it’s that these babies are ready. Put ’em in, coach!