Jerry Najera, reporter/ photographer

I'm a reporter and photojournalist and have been with the KVIA team for six years.
I was born and raised in the beautiful Sun City, and grew up in the Lower Valley. I will always love the people and the culture that surrounded me growing up.
If it wasn't Sundays at the flea markets with my grandfather, it was taking in the sun at Ascarate Lake with my uncles.
As long I can remember, I've always had a camera in my hand. My mom still cherishes -- and now more than ever -- a picture of me holding a camera when I was 3 years old.
Later in life, one of my uncles gave me his old Minolta and it lighted a fuse that sparked my interest in photography. I eventually took photography classes at the University of Texas at El Paso. Then, after a long stint working in manufacturing, I was given the opportunity to enroll in El Paso Community College's Media Production program.
Shortly after, I got my foot in the door at KVIA, and what a ride it's been! I've won a few Associated Press awards as a photographer, and my first story as a reporter won a first-place Texas AP award.
When it comes down to it, I love capturing a moment in time, and I strive to be the greatest storyteller our city has seen.