3-vehicle crash on I-10 West leaves one man dead

EL PASO, Texas - On Sept. 11 just before 1:30 a.m. two semis and an suv collided along I-10 west and milemarker 25.
A late model Chevy Suburban driven by Francisco Martin Gallegos was speeding and passing other vehicles. There were two passengers in the Surburban. According to Special Traffic Investigators.
A Freightliner was towing a trailer and traveling on I-10 West at the same time when the Suburban tried to pass the semi and hit the rear tires.
This caused the Surburban to lose control, hit the center median rolling over and landing on the emergency lane of I-10 East.
Gallegos the driver of the Surburban died from his injuries. No other injuries were reported.
This is the city's 50th traffic fatality of the year, compared to 47 at the same time last year.