Staffing shortage at El Paso’s 911 center leads to calls on hold, dispatcher burnout
EL PASO, Texas– 911 call centers across the country are short staffed and strained. That’s the situation in El Paso, too. The volume of calls…
Continue ReadingEl Paso native JC Navarrete co-anchors ABC-7’s weekend newscasts and reports during the week.
EL PASO, Texas– 911 call centers across the country are short staffed and strained. That’s the situation in El Paso, too. The volume of calls…
Continue ReadingUPDATE: On Friday, the Canutillo Independent School District released a report compiled by a panel that determined the controversial book ‘Gender…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas — Roughly 600 additional Covid-19 cases reported on Wednesday represented the highest number of cases reported in one day since…
Continue ReadingCANUTILLO, Texas — Some Canutillo Independent School District parents demanded Monday evening that the school board pull a book from the high school…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas– Last Saturday’s football game against UTSA brought more than 30,000 fans to the Sun Bowl and garnered enough attention to be…
Continue ReadingCANUTILLO, Texas– Some parents are raising concerns over one elementary school’s cleanliness in the Canutillo Independent School District. One…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas –For nearly two years land borders between Mexico and the United States have been closed to all non-essential travel. Air borders…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas — The UTEP Miners are rolling this year, off to a 5-and-1 start and just one win away from bowl eligibility. Now, the push is on from…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas– The U.S.-Mexico border may still be closed for all non-essential travel with Mexico, but with the reopening date quickly approaching…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas — The El Paso Police Department is looking to ask City Council to raise its budget by $72,000 next year to allow the department to…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas — It has been a record setting year for the U.S. Border Patrol. From the number of unaccompanied children making the trek to the…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas — Across the state of Texas, Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations are continuing to increase. With hospital bed capacity in the Lone…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas — El Paso City Council is taking steps to monitor how storm water systems are operating in El Paso. On Monday in a unanimous vote, it…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas — Former football player Joshua Long says he’s considering suing the El Paso Police Department after he was tackled and subdued by…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas — The county of El Paso and Ciudad Juarez are now in a race against the clock when it comes to the Covid-19 vaccine supply. El Paso…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas — El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser and County Judge Ricardo Samaniego held a joint news conference Monday afternoon from City Hall to…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas– All across Texas, parents, students and teachers are gearing up for what will be the first full year of in person education post…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas — Jeff Bezos is poised to become the second billionaire to fly to space in the span of nine days, following the trail by billionaire…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas — Much of the Borderland was hit hard and fast by a severe storm on Sunday nigh. Hurricane force winds were reported in some areas,…
Continue ReadingUPDATE, July 6: On Tuesday, the maquiladora vaccination effort was underway at the Tornillo port of entry. El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texa s– Five days of nonstop rain has left El Paso roads littered with debris from the monsoon storm. While highways like US Highway 54 and…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas — Texas counties on the U.S.-Mexico border that once dealt with the brunt of the load of Covid-19 are now outpacing the state…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas — Memorial Day 2020 left many stuck indoors as business restrictions were in place due to the outbreak of Covid-19. This year, with…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas– Nestled in Northeast El Paso, in the lot where Cohen Stadium once stood, now lies a water park for kids to enjoy. The water park…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas– The shelter at Fort Bliss meant to house migrant children, has El Paso Congresswoman Veronica Escobar concerned for the children in…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas — More than 1.8 million people made their way through a Transportation Security Agency checkpoint at airports across the nation this…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas– The border between the U.S. and Mexico initially shutdown on March 20, 2020, due to the rising cases of Covid-19 in both countries.…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas– The Texas “Constitutional carry” bill took a major step forward after an 18-13 vote by the state Senate ok’d the bill last week,…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas — It has been three weeks since 46-year-old Ricardo Moreno Esparza lost his life on Trasmountain Road and Loop 375, after the runaway…
Continue ReadingEL PASO, Texas — Nearly 800,000 complaints of suspected internet crime were reported in 2020, according to the FBI. That represents an increase of…
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