ABC-Listens: Campaign sign removal post-election
EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- Political candidates in El Paso are looking ahead to the November general election, now that the May primary runoff is over.
But the results aren't the only remnants of the races.
On May 28, dozens of spots across El Paso county morphed into polling locations, complete with voting booths, volunteers, and campaign signs.
Even though the votes have been cast, at some places, the campaign signs have not been cast aside.
ABC-7 viewer Leo emailed the newsroom with a complaint, and attached photos taken in west El Paso, two days after the election.

He wrote, "...who is in charge of clean-up? ... my children's school campus is STILL littered with campaign signs. Regardless of win or loss, the candidates should have more pride in their city and pick up after themselves."
ABC-7 reached out to the El Paso County Elections Department to find out who is in charge of picking up the signs.
They said in an email, "It's the responsibility of the candidate and/or campaigners."
Based on the signs in the photos, they are located in the parkway, which is the area located between the curb of the street and the sidewalk, or the area nearest to the edge of street paving.
According to the city code provided by the elections office, a campaign sign can only be displayed between the hours of 6:00 am and 8:00 pm on a parkway and must be taken down on a daily basis.
Both the city and elections department state that the code enforcement division of the El Paso Police Department will remove and dispose of signs in violation of the code. Signs placed at a school or any place designated as a polling site, may be removed by the school or property owner/manager.
The city urges residents with questions about political signs to call 311 for more information, or to go to